Beyond the Backpack Supporting the teachers


After our initial year of ordering supplies for schools we found teachers began asking for items beyond basic classroom supplies.  They were looking for different types of classroom supplies; Kindergarten classes needed magnetic alphabet letters, other classrooms needed comprehensive (and expensive) reading programs.  Staff at one school put on a yearly fall festival because many of their students had never been to a pumpkin patch and they needed funds to help pay for some of these activities.  They understood the importance of creating a strong community for students and families in and out of the classroom.  While the teachers knew what their students needed for success they needed funding to help implement their plans.   

According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the annual average learning gain for students in kindergarten through second grade is higher than at any time during a child’s years in school.  And the ability to read proficiently by fourth grade is so important that not doing so often puts kids on track to drop out of high school.  The outcomes of elementary education such as proficient reading skills by fourth grade and social competence; the ability for students to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships, demonstrate positive play and interactions with peers are believed by many to be a component of future academic and social success.  (American Institute of Research Predictors for Postsecondary Success).  

Many of us recognize poverty has negative impacts on children and schools need more funding but beyond that we aren’t sure what to do.  Through building relationships with partner schools Murphy’s Backpacks is able to offer financial support to the teachers who know why our youth are falling in the river.

How can we help?


One of our K-5 Schools requested various reading programs including an intervention program that is a powerful tool used to provide daily small group support to struggling readers. These students need intensive reading support to achieve grade level support. Other porgrams included reading program brag tags. These incentivize students by rewarding them for their achievements and encouraging good independent reading habits for students. We gave funds in support of these programs.

— FL School Beyond the Backpack request provided by Murphy’s Backpacks in 2021

In one conversation with our Chicago partner school contact, she expressed many people talk about wanting to help but few actually do. Chicago youth are highly impacted by gun violence and community centers and park districts that lost funding in areas of the city leave no out of school activities for kids. The goal several involved with this school have is to create a community center to host a teen lives matter program where students can engage in safe and age appropriate activities when out of school. Murphy’s Backpacks was able to provide funds to help start renovations for the space to be used for students from this school.

— Chicago School Beyond the Backpack request provided by Murphy’s Backpacks in 2021

After a year of online learning many schools are struggling to get kids to return to the classroom every day. Staff at our partner school in Chicago were successfully using gift cards as incentives for good attendance! We helped purchase gift cards for this school to help them with their goal of improving attendance which we know helps students and teachers!

- Chicago School Beyond the Backpack request provided by Murphy’s backpacks in 2021